AeroModeller Magazine February 2024
We now carry AeroModeller magazine from the UK! Every issue is dedicated to model building and flying with a focus on Free Flight, Control Line and some R/C, including tips and tricks, and free plans for models you can build!
Each month, we will carry a limited number of copies, so get yours while you can! If you only want the magazine, see below for a special coupon.
The February 2024 issue includes:
FREE PLAN – Willow Wren Glider for indoor towline scale
Bring something different to the next indoor meet or add some structure and fly this model outdoors on a calm day! Neat scale model of a 1932 'golden age of soaring' glider. Plan by Peter Smart and article by Chris Greenock. 20" wingspan. Note: Pictures of a restored full-scale Willow Wren are in the magazine!
Coupe D'Hiver Model Development
Design and build tips for this class of model from the winner of regional contests in the UK.
Event Coverage
International Indoor Fly-in event is covered - with scale models that look more like museum pieces to inspire you! CL Aerobatics 2023 Nats and other events covered.
Beginners' Series
Converting a free flight model to radio control.
Control Line
Winding your lines tips described.
...and much more!!
U.S. Customers ordering ONLY AeroModeller magazine, use coupon code AMONLY3 at checkout. We will send you the magazine in an envelope and you will save $5.00 in shipping charges! This coupon can only be used when you are ordering the magazine with no other items.
You may use the coupon code for up to 2 copies of the magazine only.