Sky Bunny Postal 2021
The Bill Warner Memorial
Sky Bunny Postal Contest
Labor Day Weekend 2021 - the results are in!!
Participation was down this year, probably in part because the contest wasn't publicized like last year. Also, a large number of people east of the Mississippi were recovering from disastrous weather, while out west there were a number of active wildfires! We know that more participants were out there, but perhaps these issues prevented more flights.
We were really hoping for more young participants - in the 'Senior' category of ages 15-19 we only heard from one. If anyone knows how to get kids in this age group interested in building and flying model airplanes, please drop us a message. Model building teaches patience and problem solving and may spark an interest in engineering or other craftsmanship!
Flight times ranged from 18 seconds to over 4 minutes, but no matter how your model flew, we hope that everyone had fun!
...and the winners are...
Junior Category
Winner: Josiah Honaker, age 8 - 1 minute 24 seconds
Second: Adlai Perry, age 8 - 1 minute 1 second
Senior Category
Winner: Saul Statman, age 15 - 37 seconds
Open Category
Winner: Brooke Linford, age unknown - 4 minutes 17 seconds
Second (tie): Richard Pivitt, age unknown - 2 minutes 34 seconds
Second (tie): Mike Fedor, age 73 - 2 minutes 34 seconds
Third: June Tang, age 29 - 2 minutes 31 seconds
A simple contest for fun and to honor the memory of the Sky Bunny designer, Bill Warner. This will be a 'postal' contest, so named from the days when contestants mailed in their entries.
- The contest is for rubber-powered free flight Sky Bunny models. The model must be "built to the plans" with no major modifications.
- Official flights must be made between Saturday September 4th, 2021 and Monday September 6th, 2021.
- Each pilot can make unlimited attempts to get his or her single, longest flight time. Use a stopwatch or smartphone timer.
- Timing starts at model launch and stops when the models touches the ground, goes out of sight during the flight, or contacts any structure, tree, etc. Timing rounds to last complete second ie; a 1 minute 36.5 second flight is recorded as a 1 minute 36 second flight.
- One entry per pilot please. No entry fee.
- Report your results by September 7, 2021. Please include the names of the pilot and timer, single best flight time and pilot's age. A photo is welcome but not required.
- Please use our contact form to share your results!
Winners will be announced in the three AMA age categories:
JUNIORS: Those who are less than 15 years of age.
SENIORS: Those who are 15 years of age but less than 19 years of age.
OPEN: Those who are 19 or more years of age.
Q: Is the model hand-launched or does it need to take off (R.O.G)?
A: This is a hand-launch contest.
Q: Is there a 'builder of the model' rule?
A: The model does not have to be built by the participant, but we strongly encourage those participating to build their own Sky Bunny as an honor to Bill Warner, who loved to teach about building models. The best way to learn to build is to build...!
Q: What size rubber motor may be used?
A: Any - there are no restrictions on rubber motor.
Q: Can I cover my Sky Bunny with plastic film instead of tissue?
A: Yes - covering materials are up to the builder.
Q: Can I leave the landing gear off to save weight?
A: No - contest models must be built per the plan with no major airframe alterations.