Augmented Reaching Mechanism (A.R.M.)

  • $59.95
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Only about 20" long when collapsed, this handy pole extends to an impressive 22 FEET long!  Great for recovering your model from trees, the other side of the creek or that pesky basketball apparatus at your indoor flying site!

Considering the effort to build and finish your model, you will love the A.R.M. the very first time you use it.  You'll appreciate the portability and how easy it is - simply extend the claw as needed.  No assembly of heavy poles is required, and the A.R.M. only weighs about 1.5 pounds.  Being so small, the A.R.M. is easy to bring with you wherever you fly!

Don't let that model-eating tree win...get your model back with the A.R.M....!!

Caution: NEVER use the A.R.M. around power lines.

Pictured are actual happy A.R.M. users!  The plane in the tree was about 15 feet up, but the tree was next to a creek, making for around a 20 foot reach.  Clive used the A.R.M. to shake the branches to recover his model (you can see the A.R.M. circled in the photo).  Mike used the A.R.M. to recover his beloved Cub which his daughter built almost 30 years ago.  And that's Vance, recovering his DH.98 Mosquito from a roof - it's a super-detailed model that took him many hours to build.  All these models were lost the same day, and all were saved thanks to the A.R.M...!!