AeroModeller Magazine September 2024
We are happy to carry AeroModeller magazine from the UK! Every issue is dedicated to model building and flying with a focus on Free Flight, Control Line and some R/C, including tips and tricks, and free plans for models you can build!
Each month, we will carry a limited number of copies, so get yours while you can! If you only want the magazine, see below for a special coupon.
The September 2024 issue includes:
Plan feature – Stickky P30 Class Model
Andy Blackburn's update to the 'Sandbox II' design by John Oldencamp. The author describes how he tweaked airfoils and planforms, and used modern wing design to create a winning P30 contest design. PLEASE NOTE: THERE IS NO PLAN IN THIS ISSUE - THE ARTICLE OFFERS GUIDELINES BUT NO PLANS.
The Eze Dope Advantage
Tips for how to best use Eze Dope on several different lightweight covering materials. What is Eze Dope...? It's a water-based finishing material and we carry it!
Magnetic Movers
What?! Not rubber-powered?! It's OK - this article will help you understand how to experiment with Micro RC or small electric powered systems for profile scale models. We spied some modified Prairie Bird models in the article!
Radio Assist Free Flight
Free flight models can be great candidates for radio control, and these are some tips to help you give it a try.
Paper Free Flight Models
These aren't fold-up delta wings. Airfoils and even scale models can be made from paper! Good tips too help you when you run out of balsa. Bonus article on the history of paper planes is included too!
Event Coverage
Free Flight Scale and Control Line events are covered.
...and much more!!
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You may use the coupon code for up to 2 copies of the magazine only.
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